Market InsightsThe Town of Johnstown is a Home Rule Municipality in Weld and Larimer counties in the U.S. state of Colorado. The population was 9,887 at the 2010 United States Census.
explore listings in Johnstown
Neighborhoods in Johnstown
10/3025342534 Filing 192534 Filing No 65801017000 - 2534 Filing No 175812000001 - 4775 Larimer5829001000 - Premier Flex Johnstown CondominiumsCarlson FarmClearviewCorbett GlenCoyote Ridge PudGranaryGranary Filing OneJohnstown CenterJohnstown FarmsJohnstown Farms Fg #1 3Rd AmdJohnstown Farms Fg#1Johnstown Heights 3Rd AmdJohnstown VillageJohnstown Village Fg
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